Saturday, 29 November 2008

Circular No 369

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 29 November 2008 No. 369


Dear Friends,

Here is the promised resume by Krishna Toolsie, special correspondent for the CIRCULAR.


Abbey Reunion 2008

krishna toolsie

Tuesday, November 25, 2008 11:03:24 PM

Ladislao, Nigel, Glen, and Neil:

I wish to thank you for the opportunity afforded me, by your efforts over the years, to reunite with Abbey School Old Boys and visit Mount St. Benedict earlier this month.

Nostalgic for the Mount earlier this year, I reconnected with Abbey Old Boys because of your newsletters, websites, photos and e-mails.

I am thankful that Ladislao has maintained a newsletter that informs, and brings back generally good memories of a critical time in our formative years.

The posting of pictures of the Mount in its glory days are especially effective in identifying friends and colleagues that were once lost to time.

Nigel’s work in compiling the names of mount boys and classifying members by years of attendance has been absolutely remarkable.

His effort in this regard is labour intensive, but I am sure a labour of love.

Glen McCoy’s continuous banter via the Internet, updates, wonderful short stories, posting of iconic global landmarks and bootylicious babes are always welcomed and serves as a unifying force for mount boys around the world.

If Glen is a cyber jockey, then Neil is old school in linking communication between boys in Trinidad and North America.

His constant travel and frequent telephone calls are truly invaluable.

At the November 7-9, 2008 Reunion, everyone I spoke to recognised the selfless efforts of Ladislao, Nigel, Glen, Don and Neil.

The organisers of the Abbey School Alumni Association in Trinidad, too, deserve special kudos for a job well done.

The planning of events undertaken by Joe Berment, Winston Ramsahai, Ian Gomes, Chris Knowles, Jimmy Samaroo and others was truly remarkable.

The Friday night “Lime” at the Hyatt’s Pool bar was really quite enjoyable.

It was a good setting, on the waterfront, a cash bar, friendly servers, but perhaps a bit too exclusive.

It was good to see and become reacquainted with colleagues of 34 years ago and meet unfamiliar old boys of classes from the 1940s through 1983.

What a joy to converse with Chris Knowles…blessed with great institutional memory, and with Dr. Kenneth Austin and his charming wife.

I found out that Austin attended Howard University, a place where I too would study a bit later.

I was truly thrilled to see Keith “Puggy” Allen – I was awakened by a magazine he showed me and other similarly uninitiated lower classmen years ago-, Rene Villafana who was a formidable prefect and a widely recognised star footballer in the 1970s.

I recalled his performance on the Queen’s Park Cricket Club Football team against a combined St. Bedes and Abbey team in 1973 when the aficionados of the St. John Road community, including Tucco, raged about his talent and potential…”the best f---ing footballer on the pitch.”

Queens Park at the time had several good National team level players.

Some might find Rene today, who played stopper in that game, still formidable and difficult to get through or get around.

He made certain that my and other old boys’ glasses were always filled during the Lime and Dinner.

Jimmy Samaroo looking the same fit and swim-race ready as his Abbey days was there, as was Chris Knowles, Berment, Dr. Kenneth Austin and others.

I estimate that between 20 and 30 boys and a few of their spouses were in attendance.

When we were kicked out of the pool area we relocated to the open patio area where a party with a band was in full swing.

Here Jimmy Samaroo made certain that all glasses were replenished.

I do admit to mild intoxication.

The “Lime” broke up with high hopes for a full Saturday.

My morning started when I was awakened by Winston Ramsahai who drove from his home in Valsayn picked me up in POS and drove us back to his home.

Specs joined us and Winston’s lovely wife, without any advance notice, made us all a satisfying breakfast.

Winston also shared the following pearls of wisdom: “


On the way to the Mount, Winston stopped for Aloo (potato) Pies and to increase the order for rotis for the Dinner.

As we drove up St. Johns Road it became apparent that while much had changed, much remained the same as I recalled the 1970s.

When we got to the foothill of the Mount I sat upright to take in the sights.

First, St. Bedes, then a quick look to the right for a glimpse of the pool…such memories.

The pool, site of racing exploits of Johnny Garcia, Jimmy Samaroo, Tardieu, Neil Charles, Maryun and many others, is also the site of the epic battle between Tim “Wildman” Healy and Rangel, the karate expert.

No telling blows were landed, but what a classic moment on the mount.

Then a quick look to the left to see the field, the pitch that showcased the football talents of Villers, golden left footed Ian Gomes, Morris, Neville Tenia, Zephryn and Decoteau (arguably out best footballer).

Benefiting from the coaching skills of Sheldon Gomes with some assistance from his brother Larry Gomes and friend Richard Gabriel, Abbey Cricketers like Nathaniel Sampath, Maharaj, Gangaram Rampersad, and Zephryn Robinson also made their mark on this field.

Here years ago I first saw the likes of Ghio, Guillen, Zanelli, Blajic and others hitting a hard white ball with a funny round stick, running in circles, and catching the ball with gloves…strange…I have been for over 34 years a baseball fan and regular attendee of the Los Angeles Dodgers.

On that field I along with others endeavoured to follow our favourite teacher Llewellyn Macintosh as he practised his race walking skills.

Here we participated in Athletic meets, where boys threw the discus, shot putt, ran the mile, 100 meters and distances in between.

Where Tim Healy eschewing the roll and Fosbury flop to high jump 6’ 2” and “broke my f---ing wrist.”

So many losses, victories, poor and stellar performances, so many memories on the field Mr. Tom and Mr. Henry prepared.

Past the Seminary, past the Guest House, we arrived at the parking lot of the great Church which seemed much smaller now.

Already waiting are a number of boys, some a bit agitated at the late start.

Jimmy Samaroo, Puggy, Chris Knowles, Berment, Ian Gomes and about 12 other old boys were in attendance.

Snacks and drinks were provided by Ian and Winston, and Jimmy.

The Communal Worship at the Pilgrim’s Centre originally scheduled for 9:30 eventually started about 11:00 graced by the presence of Father Cuthbert and Father Benedict.

We were led in prayer by Father Cuthbert, who reminded us our duty to God, family and community.

He admonished us to pray for our brothers, sisters, and our fallen colleagues…of the work we’ve yet to complete.

And we sang…horribly…none of us improved our singing and Glen and Hudson McCoy were not there to drown out our cacophony with their music.

Following worship, the about twenty old boys drove up to the School for a Tour of the facilities.

As the road switched back and forth it became apparent that the pavement is in great danger of sliding.

Time, gravity and rainfall without adequate repair threaten access to the school and beyond.

Repairs are now underway, but much, much more will be required.

We were greeted at the school by the manager of the Drug Rehabilitation Centre, a kind woman whose name I cannot recall, and led on a tour.

The edifice remains imposing and seemingly quite grand from the distance.

But it was soon apparent that the building of the school and the dormitories are in great disrepair.

I will leave it to others to adequately describe their thoughts on this matter.

For most of the tour most old boys had anguished looks on their faces as they struggled to come to grips with the reality of what had become of their revered school.

$ 5 million US, $ 10 million US, $ 15 million US, $ 20 million US, hopeful estimates made in Spanish and English of the cost for restoring THE ABBEY SCHOOL.

There were moments of levity:

Ian Gomes proved to be the best builder of airplane gliders flown from the study hall; Puggy and Schaefer recalled the best places for clandestine smoking +++; Joseph Berment kept up a steady banter, reciting Shakespeare, Marx, and Eric Williams, John Maynard Keynes, Adam Smith, and Joseph Berment McDowell.

He of the quick wit and laughed loud and heartily at his own jokes….often he was the only one who laughed.

We left the buildings and walked the grounds, and the basketball court appears in good shape, though covered by dog feces.

Now it was time to gather at the Refectory by 2:00 pm to prepare for the assault on White Stones.

Specs was first to arrive with Winston and Krishna and was immediately approached by a woman who demanded $ 20.00 per car to park in the vicinity.

“Not one damn penny” Specs murmured to us as we left to park elsewhere.

“These are the same people who are in court with the priests over usage of the Mount icons and trademark infringements.”

The place is apparently run by the son of one of the former cooks who now believes the property is forever to be his…

Trinidad and Tobago’s finest: seven members of the Regiment arrive to escort hikers to White Stones.

It is a sad commentary on the state of T&T’s crime rate when armed escort is necessary for a hike into the wilderness.

As the hike got underway the Magnificent 7 alumni of the original 30 Pretenders started the hike.

Dr. Kenneth Austin, fit and trim at 72, was steady and never faltered to White Stones and Mount Tabor.

Dennis Gurley quiet and self assured led all of the way and was only slowed by members of the army securing the trail.

Don Mitchell, having travelled 24 hours to go 400 miles from Anguilla, proved to be inspirational.

Having suffered heart failure as a young man, he lives fully with the aid of a pacemaker.

Breathing heavily, he continued to tell numerous stories of his many and varied experiences so other members of the hiking party might forget their aching muscles and overworked hearts.

Adrian Chandler came prepared with proper boots and clothing and moved ahead with Gurley and Austin.

As he did back in the 1970s when I knew him, he emphasised the fact that he was better looking and smarter than his twin brother Allan.

I did not argue.

About 150 yards from White Stones he called one of his lovers by cellular phone in the valley about 3 miles below to ask her to find him in the tree line.

Dennis Gurley, Adrian, and myself then began to motion and wave frantically to someone who needed supernatural vision to see us…

We were boys again trying to impress…Puggy, Winston and I had enough…If a case of Cold Carib was placed at White Stones, I am confident we would have fared better.

Puggy, and Winston remained at White Stones while the rest of us pressed on to Mount Tabor.

We arrived about 30 minutes later and were pleased to recognise the foundations of the earliest attempts to establish a monastery on the Mount.

Don Mitchell was beside himself with excitement during our tour of Mount Tabor.

We the Magnificent 7 descended White Stones as conquering heroes.

We bested a taxing climb and hoped for a cold beer at the end of the hike.

There was no beer left but Jimmy brought juices and water.

Berment suggested a small token be offered to the Soldiers for the escort and good service to the boys…

Without hesitation Jimmy Samaroo and Winston Ramsahai gathered up their own personal finances and secured gifts.

As true scouts and good hosts they bore the burden alone.

Knowing these two, they probably wished I had not recognized and noted here their good deed.

I should add, that Villafana, Samaroo, Winston and Ian Gomes attended to all of the extra expenses, drink, snacks, gifts, food out of their own pockets.

Having connected with Glen “Skippy” Schaefer, and Puggy Allen, I decided to forgo a ride to central Tdad to prepare for the dinner.

Walking from the School to the Church Skippy, Puggy and I picked guavas and slowly walked the trails of our youth.

As we approached the long walkway to Church, it began to rain and we stopped to enjoy the moment.

We spoke about the school, of the old boys, the reunion and the many ideas about what we could collectively do to help.

Skippy said that “the only thing I would like right now is to see Father Cuthbert”.

No sooner had the words left his mouth Father Cuthbert came around the corner…no kidding…ask Puggy.

We greeted Father who was on his way to prayers and descended to the old café.

Skippy then led us to the overlook at the Guesthouse.

There Puggy remembered why Glen brought us to that place.

From that strategic viewpoint 35 years ago, on a night they broke out seeking adventure and excitement they came upon a couple deep, deep, in the throes of passion…live an in living colour…an awakening.

Glen Skippy Schafer thought that the Reunion is a worthwhile exercise, but suggested that we could get together in the future in common cause work projects.

We could work to repair roads, cut grass, paint walls, and any endeavours that might improve or maintain upkeep of the mount buildings, and grounds.

At the same time we could reconnect with our friends and create new networks with old boys from other eras.

This is certainly worthy of consideration.

We lingered in the parking lot of the waiting for Skippy’s nephew Ronald Sewnarine to pick us up.

Seated nearby was a familiar face…Morris another old boy, star soccer player, who now resides in British Vancouver.

His father was a long time bus driver on the Mount.

Also joining us was Junior another old boy called back to the Mount, at a time when so many happened to be there.

Having been dropped off at Warrenville to ready for the dinner, Skippy and Ronald Sewnarine (thanks to Ronald, I was delivered portal to portal on three occasions Saturday night) returned to take me to the UWI’s JFK Hall, site of the Grand Dinner.

Arriving at the Hall we were greeted by the sweet sounds of the “ROYAL’S Steel Orchestra” and by Ian Gomes.

Ian immediately took us to meet several old boys on our” must see” list.

There stood the mighty swimmer Johnny Garcia, the winner of many races and the nationally recognised saviour of lives in danger of drowning.

Johnny looked good. So did Edmund Sanoir, the only T & T Policeman never to have accepted a bribe and my dear, good friend Zyphryn Robinson.

Folk moved around and greeted each other, faint recognition gave way to “ah has” after reading the ever present name tags.

Good Food; fish, chicken, roti, callalloo soup, salad, soursop and coconut ice cream…Good Time… too short.

The Organizing Committee, Berment, Ramsahai, Gomes, Knowles and others sat uncomfortably at the head table.

Concerned, I’m sure about the smooth running of the program.

The record will show that their program was a resounding success.

Peter Tang served well as the Master of Ceremonies, mixing candour with humour during the proceedings.

Father Cuthbert and Abbott Dom John Pereira joined the head table later in the evening.

The Keynote was delivered by Justice Anthony Lucky who tied the Abbey School academic preparation to academic and professional challenges and development in the “real world.”

Mr. Seales, a former teacher who looks marvellous, was recognised for his service and awarded a gift.

The program drew to a close with several old boys making comments about their time on the mount and the gathering of November 2008.

Then we slowly dispersed, promising to keep in touch and meet again…soon.

We were also reminded that the next gathering will be organised by Neil Charles of Orlando, Florida and likely centre around a 3-4 day Cruise of the Northern Caribbean sometime in 2009.

Neil will need help and I hope some of the North American old boys will assist.

The Centenary Celebrations of the establishment of the Mount in a couple years will probably trigger a program like the November 08 event or a hybrid of the type Skippy suggests.


That Llewellyn McIntosh was not there.

Skippy remarked that Mackie was more that a teacher of History, Literature, or English. “

He thought us to be confident men…young men of colour who would encounter many obstacles, but would prevail because of good education, uncompromising ethics, diligence, the willingness to make accommodation, without the sale or denial one’s faith and ideals.”

(I hope I got Skippy’s quote right) I wished more old boys showed (over 110 showed) and I could get contact information for my buddies, Feisal Khan and Stuart Petit.

I lamented the loss of Moses Oderson, Jean Pierre Tardieu, Maryun, Bharret, Lambkin and so many others listed by Nigel Boos in his data base.

I wished we had more time to break away from the familiar faces and connect with boys of different eras.

The Venezuela contingent was well represented, but some of us did not interact sufficiently with them .

I wished Ladislao, Nigel, Glen McCoy, Neil Charles and Salvador Coscarat were there because their efforts are as important as the Trinidad Committee in organising the future of the Abbey School Alumni Association.

I am also reminded that our fraternity will continue to shrink and the remaining brothers must band together.

I do not know the future of our endeavours regarding the Mount but I am confident the Interim Committee will make wise decisions.

Whether, we incorporate, start a non-profit or any other entity for the preservation of the institution we hold dear, we must remain mindful of the concerns and sensitivities of the priests.

They have been burned, I am told many times, by people just like us.

Whatever our course, there is an abundance of talent among Abbey Old Boys to assist in restoring the Mount.

The above remarks are but one person’s observations of a moment in time.

Boys unable to attend, I am sure, will be pleased to have other perspectives and accounts.

The Mayaro lime deserves mention.

Nostalgia and a longing to return to an uncomplicated time in my life drew me to the Reunion.

The memories returned vividly…and I made more memories that will cause me to seek out Abbey Old Boys and return whenever possible to the Mount Saint Benedict.

Regards to all,

Krishna Jerry Toolsie 1971-1974


That is for now, till the next one


08UN0553REUNION2008, The shower stalls, 1968 remod.

08UN0504REUNION2008, Bunch of UNKNOWNS

08UN0531REUNION2008, Another UNKNOWNS and Christopher Knowles

08UN0529REUNION2008, Gordon Mitchell, Kenneth Austin


Saturday, 22 November 2008

Circular No 368

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 22 November 2008 No. 368


Two week has passed since the Reunion 2008.

No report has been forthcoming, but I am sure a magic pen is scribbling along.

Please remember to make the necessary corrections to the photos, do not forget to mention the photo´s code.



Sent: Sat 5/31/08 9:58 PM

I was having dinner with Che Che last week when he asked me this question?

We all climbed and walked White Stones.

What is it? igneous? metamorphic? Granite changed by weathering? Rock strata forced and pushed up from under the sea? Volcanic? Carbonate minerals? tite, snites, lites, mites rites.

Did it come from mothers milk of formula?

Nigel can you tell us?



White Stones

Nigel P. Boos

Sunday, June 1, 2008 9:25:05 PM

Hi Glen,

Boy, look how I get pull into dis 'ting, nah!

To start, I must apologise for not getting to you earlier.

I have been rearranging my office and inadvertently, must have disconnected my router.

So, for the past 3 days I've had no Internet connection until my son was able to correct the situation.

I found only 51 emails and I'm now down to yours.

So, the question is: What rock type is "White Stones" and whence it's origin?

Peter suggests "quartz" and then the question must arise, "How so?"

Quartz is, as Peter says, the most common mineral on earth, besides feldspar.

But quartz is a crystalline form of SiO2, and I do not remember seeing too many crystals up there.

I am not in a position to climb to White Stones at the moment, since I live in Canada, and it's a bit of a hike to get there from where I live, but, perhaps stupidly, I would rather suggest that the rock is a massive quartzite, a metamorphosed sandstone which developed through intense heat and pressure a long, long time ago.

There is evidence of volcanic activity along the north coast - Balandra, Toco, Matelot, etc. and it is possible, perhaps, that a tectonic compression might have had something to do with the formation of our beloved stones.

The next one of you guys who climbs up the hill, perhaps you can chip off a piece and mail it to me in Ajax for a better look at the rock type.



On 31-May-08, at 10:30 PM, wrote:


You always make me smile.

Like in alibi and disbelief.

That's why I am waiting on the expert Nigel miles and miles away.



-------------- Original message from "Don Mitchell CBE QC"-------------- <>: -

Sorry, anything I told you would be a concoction.



From:Glen Mckoy (

Sent:Wed 4/02/08 9:04 PM

My dear Oscar,

If I did smoke the right cigarettes, maybe the story would be more appealing.

The entire story, is a taken from something that happened, in my first year on the mount, in 1968.

We had a group called the Avengers, if you want you can verify this with, Tim Healy, Jerry, Campbell, Hudson Mckoy, Zippy, Pascal and a few others.

For those of you, who knew Tarzan and myself, you knew how we ran like the wind ,up and down those hills.

When everyone else went down to the sports field, we went up to the mountains, where we felt the most at home, please verify all these things that I am saying o.k.

Our Den was on White Stones, it was the only safe place we could find, where no one could destroy it, our Den.

We worked hard sneaking materials up to White Stones, in rain and sun, it was very hard as we were so young.

We even cut our hands and became blood brothers, this is not fiction, and this story, I still do hold ,very dear to my heart.

We never told no one, where this Den was, and in our time, no one ever found our Den, and it still there, and if you want Oscar, Tim and myself will take you there.

However make sure you have a Will, because the place we build this Den, also happens to have a lot of snakes and scorpions, this is so true, we even have our names carved into stones and trees, up there.

We were beaten , to tell of this Den, and not one for all and all for one, we never spoke, we did cry a lot because of that den.

After building this Den hidden from time, in the end, we had to abandon it because of the snakes.

This is the real story.

And like Knights we were noble, to each other pledges, and oats up to this very day.

Long live the Avengers, or Knights from White Stones, or whatever name you called your own Tribe.

You may think my imagination is running away with me, but don't be surprise of, how much of the Knights of White Stones story, may be true.

Oscar, probably while you were smoking your pipe, the smoke may have blocked your vision, from what was really was happening on the Mountains. ??

Ha! Ha! To all my imaginary friends, have a nice day.




From: Glen Mckoy (

Sent: Sun 5/18/08 5:34 AM

As we walk pass the pillars, of the corridors of our past.

There are many things, we will remember, but only a few, shall forever last.

Welcome, a todos en este el mundo,

Hola my brothers.


OLD BOYS PRIVATE CLUB - MEMBERS ONLY/International(1944-2008).


The 2nd Stage of a Knight, was to leave the mount, and go down to the Flat Lands.

This part of the journey could take on an average of about 30 years, before a Knight, is ready to advance to the 3rd. Stage, which is even longer.

It is a sad time, when a Knight has to leave the mount.

Knights never openly showed emotions, so the Knights could only wish you well, soon they too, will be thrown to the lions.

The Flat Lands, its sweet and sour, gold and silver, money like honey, and so many ladies for the Knights, and the neon delights of the beezzee cities.

A Knight must be careful, as the 2nd Stage is like a time trap, where the only way out, is in moderation of everything, for anything you desire you will get, but if you desire the same thing, in excess, it will adopt and addict you.

The time trap becomes a loop.

Some Knights get confused and lost, however many continue on the journey, all over this world, working hard and trying their best to making a life, a trade, a profession, a family, a good person finding peace within, before moving into the 3rd. Stage, where words of knowledge are exchanged with each other, where only in Wisdom, a peaceful feeling, do they find a true understanding, of goodwill and love.

As was written from the book "The King of Hearts" which is kept in the Chest on White Stones on top of Mt. Tabor. Tunapuna.



From: Glen Mckoy (

Sent: Fri 8/08/08 10:00 AM

THE KNIGHT OF DREAMS. (THE TRANSLATOR-from the book "The King of Hearts")

Once upon a time, many moons ago, a boy from a far away country came to the mount.

His name, and the exact time this boy attended, cannot be written or revealed, and has only been passed down, in the sacred secret circle of a few.

The dreamer parents brought him from eastern Europe, hoping that the tranquillity of the location of the Abbey School Mt.St. Benedict, under the supervision of the monks, would be an ideal environment for their son's intense nightmares/dreams.

In the hope, that it would be less frequent, and eventually stop.

Fr. Bobo welcomed the dreamer and his parents to his office, assuring them, that they had made the right decision in bringing their son to the Abbey School.

He told them that they will monitor their son's situation and with all the physical activities, e.g football, tennis, swimming, volley ball etc. for the boys on the mount, it is a good way, to a good night sleep.

A Dutch Monk who also teaches French, and is well versed, in such studies of the brain, will be assigned to record his dream patterns, moods, diet & events prior to and after the dreams, results of these records, will be forwarded.

Fr. Bobo said good bye to the boy's parents, as they drove away in the taxi.

Bobo told the dreamer that a Prefect will show him around the surroundings and will help him get settled in.

The Dutch monk shall contact you, in a few days, I want you, to participate in as many sports, as you can, now go on out there, and make new friends.

My office is always open, if you need me.

The boy said good bye and left with the Prefect.

The Prefect, a Trinidadian boy of English stock, dirty blond, dark tan, a hard looking boy, did'nt say a word, as they walked throught the corridors of the floors, as all the boys, they passed, just stared, at the boy who dare comes here.

The Prefect showed him his cubical, and told him he would show him the facilities, when he was unpacked.

As the months went by, the dreamer made a few class mates, he took swimming and was playing football for a house team.

He reported to the Dutch monk Fr. A, once a week, and his dreams had lessened, and he was living the life, like the rest of boys his age.

One day the dreamer and a friend, from the south side of Trinidad, were walking to the back of the buildings, going down to the monastery, when they heard this moaning and shouting coming from a window up above, they crept up the incline to investigate the situation, as they drew closer, they could hear a voice, shouting get out, get out, and prays in Latin, they had accidentally stumbled on a rite, that is not seen or known to many, but was performed on the mount, as good Catholics boys, and scared like hell, they slowly got out of the area, they never spoke of this incident again, not even in confession.

The dreamer had bad dreams, for the rest of that week, the Dutch monk assured him it may only be a short spell, and he should be doing well again, he asked him, if any thing had upset him recently, the dreamer said no.

For the rest of week the dreamer would just sit and stare at the mountains, one Saturday he noticed a few boys going up to Mt. Tabor, to that place they called "White Stones" , as he looked carefully he noticed three eagles circling around the boys on top of the mountain, it seem like the eagles were coming down and the boys were feeding them, he could not believe his eyes, and only then, realised how much was going on around him, in this Dutch Enclave of Mt. St. Benedict, that he never noticed before, that the mountains, are alive, around him.

That night he had a few dreams, his first dream, he saw four boys going up the mountain of Mt. Tabor, then he saw another boy hiding and following the four up the hill, then out of the bushes, another boy jumps out, and drops the boy, who was following the other boys on the ground, and then screams for the others on the top, they ran down immediately, they grab the young man and drag him down the hill.

They got a barrel out from behind the scout room, and they pushed the boy into the barrel, and roll it down the hill, a message to future spies, as the barrel pass the refectory going down the hill, it turned to the left and crashed into the big stone wall, the boy crawled out and ran for his life.

The knights laugh so much that day, and the boy never said any thing to the monks, the next day, they took this boy to "White Stones" in a sacred, secret circle, in the power of one, they made him The Knight of Courage.

The dreamer recognised the boy, who was in that barrel, a few years older now, but he is, the boy they call Chico, his real name is, Fernando.

The Dreamer was pleased, as he could place this dream, within his life time, as many of his dreams, are of the future or of times long gone and the ones from the dark side, made him pray a lot.

In the 4th. month of his 1st. year, one night, after hanging out at the basketball court, the dreamer saw this older boy standing by the hedges alone, he approached the older boy and said, excuse me Fernando, may I have a word with you ??

Fernando turned and looked at the tall lean, pale looking boy, and said, it better be good, because you just broke into my space, while I was trying to absorb the night sky, and to every action, there is a reaction.

This made the dreamer very nervous, as he quickly replied, Fernando, I am sorry, for disturbing you, and I would not contact a senior boy like yourself, unless it was of the utmost importance.

Fernando said o.k, lets go over by the stone wall over there, they sat down on the bench, it was a quiet night, as the dreamer begins, His-Story.

Fernando, what I am going to tell you, you will always remember for the rest of your life.

I have complete trust in you, it will be shocking and you will understand, as we go on this journey of our history on the Mount, many decades from now.

Please listen to what I have to say, and in the end, only you will know, if its the real McKoy.

You would not know this, but I suffer from nightmares, well its more than that, they are dreams that are real, some are past, present and future, many times I do not know the faces or the places, but sometimes they are close to home.

Recently, they have been about the Mount, and I have seen you in some of my dreams, he then told Fernando of his dream, of him becoming a Knight.

Fernando remained quite, for a few moments, then said, tell me more.

In one dream, I saw a chest buried on top of that mountain, you all call "White Stones."

In that chest, there are precious metals, a manuscript from a Jesuit Monk, a golden candle stand, from this secret, sacred, circle of one, from that magical moment, when the knights were formed.

There were also medals, photos, amazing stories, tales, circulars, chronicles and legends, from the 1st. Knights of decades gone, and more to be added, in decades to come.

Also copies of all that was written, in a book to come, called the " King of Hearts " which will be kept in The Bunker.

In 1956, 10 years after the first knights started, digging and drilling into one of the sides of Mt. Tabor, they had finally completed their secret atomic shelter , with running water and lights.

This bunker was also built out of fear, of what was happening in their world at that time, as the superpowers, race towards the moon.

And the constant threat, of some idiot pushing a button, their last resort was the bunker and shortwave radio.

This Secret Bunker, only ever seen by the" Eyes of Knights", the Forever Hidden Room, 15' x 20 ', built of steel re-bar, wire mesh, bricks, & stones were used above and around the entire room, which had a whole mountain above it.

The small cement mixer, made the project seem like forever.

In the entrance of the bunker, stands a big black metal door 6' tall, with a brass lion head, with a peep hole in the mouth of the lion.

Under the lion's head, in red paint is written," Where only Eagles dare, The Knights of White Stones," eight feet ahead, you are right in the heart, of the emerald forest of Mt Tador.

Looking down into the steep valley below, and only then, you realise, the journey of a Knight, is exceeding difficult, of blood, sweat and tears, forever hidden.

The Knights who took part in the early construction, had to climb down a rope ladder to work on the room, until an easier access was made.

Twenty feet ahead, from the entrance in front of these, two huge trees, the knights made a secure stone path, which made it much faster, getting up and down this valley ledge to White Stones, where no one, will dare go, where only eagles fly, this drop is steep, the Knights were brilliant, in choosing this location, a place where only the snakes, scorpions and the eagles in the sky know, will never be found, The Bunker. MSB.

I also know you will make me a Knight before the next full moon.

I saw this in a dream, as I become the Translator of the Jesuit manuscripts from Latin to English.

I will write all this information in a book that will be called "The King of Hearts"

Some dreams I cannot reveal, that's why sometimes you see me, sitting alone staring at the mountains, at the back of the school.

Fernando, many great minds will come from this time capsule.

This sacred school will not see the great year 2000.

So, you see everything that happened, since the school opened and when it closes, it will become a National and Historical Treasure to this island of Trinidad, the wonderful minds and the leaders, where the foundation of a youth, was shaped and created, at the "Abbey School Mt.St.Benedict on Mt.Tador.

We have lots of work to do................(more to come).

Thanking all my brothers for their time,

best regards Glen McKoy.

Hippies from the sixties, now in their fifties, and Jesus Christ our superstar.


David Strisiver

Sunday, November 2, 2008 9:58:48 AM


I noticed your discussions re database and security.

Perhaps one solution would be to form a google group specifically for Abbey Boys. Individuals have to apply for admission rights, entry is password protected which can be changed at regular intervals using another e-mail address for both the administrator and user.

There is also the facility for blogging within the group privacy is the essence.

Have a look.

David Strisiver (Ex-teacher 1971-1972)

(Thank you for your support to the Circular. Ed.)


That is for now, till the next one







Saturday, 15 November 2008

Circular No 367

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 15 November 2008 No. 367


Dear Friends,

No news on REUNION 2008. Maybe next time I shall be asked to assist as a reporter?? Jajaja.

I am waiting for my reporters to check in with the Circular.

At least we have the Temporary photo page.

I am sure that the news will get down soon to Caracas and you will get first hand insight.

Now some news on Ms. Kitty Marcus. There is more but I must keep the rest for a future Circular.


Ms Marcus Comment

Winston Ramsahai

Sunday, June 29, 2008 1:19:09 AM

Greetings Nigel & John.

On Friday 27th,my visit with Ms Kitty Marcus (KM) was a heart warming experience, she was jovial & very focused today.

A little frail at 91, but her humility, her smile and her sense of humour reminded me of the KM we all knew.

She was elated to hear that the old boys were considering sending her a Flat screen TV and bench but suggested otherwise, KM as usual wanted the contributions to be well spent.

The following opinion was expressed by KM :

She does not look at television and due to her back ailment, prefers a small table and chair for her room to write letters,

She is also keen to write the Old Boys a monthly letter which can be placed on Laszlo site.

She spoke of her Daddy having a sofa to relax after lunch, and suggested that a low sofa for her room, near the window, where she can relax and "have a tan, the UV is very good".

I guess that locally we can assist with other items such as CROSS pen & pencils, writing pads, 40 W reading lamp. fan, soft padded slippers, firm pillow, Time subscription, toiletries, Clothes etc.

The person or persons' who proposed this motion must be commended because KM is in dire need for clothes at this time, due to her size.

The home recommended we deliver the cloth and there is a seamstress who will make the dress and night gowns.

The Abbey a/c at MSB is not available for use at the moment and Joe Berment said he will call regarding the payment for KM items.

It should be noted that St Peters Home is independent from MSB and sending cash to the home is not an option.

Signature Collection Ltd owned by David Nath & family ( MSB 70's), have the low couch ($3.999.00), table & chair($1.999.00),

Once David is contacted he will assist and ensure prompt delivery.

Joe Berment, Ian Gomes and Peter Tang are willing to assist in achieving the goals of Abbey Old Boys.

Best Regards


----- Original Message ----------------------------------------------------------.

From: Nigel Boos

Sent: Monday, June 23, 2008 11:53:31 PM


Am I to understand that I can now send the cheque to an Abbey account, or to Fr. Abbot directly.

If it is to be sent to an account, please let me have the details.

If to Fr. Abbot, please confirm and let me have the exact address.

By the way, has any effort been made to collect funds from Old Boys based in TT or in Venezuela?

I think that the idea of a bouquet of flowers is a great one, and she will appreciate it.

Can you arrange it?

Thank you.



Nigel P. Boos

Sunday, February 17, 2008 1:11:22 AM

Might I suggest that Fr. Cuthbert could be asked for his advice, as to how we could best show our affection and appreciation for the loyal and kind services offered to the students of the Abbey School by Ms. Marcus.

Would she, perhaps, like us to offer her the gift of a return to her homeland and to her surviving friends, for a visit; or how about our approaching the Austrian High Commission in Trinidad to ask them to officially recognise her services to education in TT by bestowing on her an official honour of the Austrian Government?

A long shot, perhaps, but these are only suggestions . . . .

Anyone got a better idea?



On 16-Feb-08, at 10:33 PM, wrote:

Apart from Dons good memory all we know about Miss Marcus is that she was exposed to more than 50 years of Abbey-school-boy-trauma.

According to Jon it's more complex than us just spelling-it-out to the government.

On his advice we need a voluntary compiler.

Before submitting an application we would have to find the appropriate person willing to undertake putting together proof of performance of service.

Jon also mentioned that because The Abbey was NOT government-owned eligibility criteria would be colder.

Lets face it awards are political.

How about something more practical?

A new mattress?



Nigel P. Boos

Sunday, February 17, 2008 7:50:18 PM


In the absence of any formal organisation for our group, it seems abundantly clear that we accept you as the Initiator of our Association and the Stimulus behind all of our efforts.

We have seen no opinions contrary to the most recent suggestions to honour Kitty Marcus, but a few positive approvals of the ideas, namely:

1. To provide her with a ticket and funds to enjoy a visit to her homeland for a period of say, 2 weeks. (Jon might advise us about the setting up of an account in Trinidad to which contributions can be made by the Old Boys to cover the cost of this venture.)

2. With the advice of Fr. Cuthbert, to present a case to the Austrian Consulate in Trinidad (868-623-5912) detailing Ms. Marcus' services to the education of the youth of Trinidad (and Venezuela, and Suriname, and St. Lucia, and Barbados, and Guadeloupe, etc.) and to seek official recognition of her work.

Would you accept a motion that you, as our Leader, agree to appoint Glen Evelyn as Head of the "Kitty Marcus Project" currently being discussed?

Perhaps someone else might wish to second the motion, so that Glen can get started on the project?

If anyone else has alternative suggestions, perhaps they could make them known to you.

With best wishes.



Nigel P. Boos

Sunday, February 17, 2008 11:21:53 AM


Thanks for your support.

Just a cautionary note:

Since this initiative came from Glen, I suggest that, to avoid duplication of effort, with a number of folks going off in different directions, ONE man should head up this exercise, and everyone else who contributes towards it should operate under his direction –

I further recommend that Glen Evelyn himself should be asked to manage the whole thing, but that individuals / volunteers who wish to get involved should let it be known to him so that he can delegate as he sees fit.

This is not a difficult exercise.

It merely needs some coordinated control with good communication from the get-go.

I think it's a worthy project and I heartily support it.

Regarding the Chinese lady who ran the monks' kitchen, I have to confess that I don't remember / know the lady, so I will bow to your better judgement in this case.

Of course, there is no way we could really recompense / honour everyone to whom we may be indebted, but perhaps ASOBA, through its Presidency, might develop a list of names of people worthy of mentioning, as a first step.

The we can see what we can do



On 17-Feb-08, at 9:50 AM, Jon Golding wrote:


This is an excellent suggestion and hopefully Fr Cuthbert has the time to do it.

But let's not forget the other 'inmates' at the old people's home on the hill who might be able to help under Fr Cuthbert's direction.

There is Ms ?? (Chinese lady who ran the refectory and monk's kitchen for YEARS) I can't recall her name but saw her and Kitty about 5 years ago at a function up there.

She is still going strong and living in the house next to the Old People's home and a good friend of Kitty's).

These are the unsung heroes behind the scenes who gave some balance to the hard-discipline Dutch monks.

Let's make sure we do not forget any others in favouring Ms Marcus bit I think that they are the only two left.

I do like the idea of the Austrian Ambassador if we have one.

I'll check with my diplomatic contacts.

Forget the government - this is a private thing among a private school club!

I especially like the idea of a trip home to her relatives.

Let's see who else can add to this from this mailing.



----- Original Message ----------------------------------------------------

From: azizul mohammed

Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2008 6:33 PM

I am with u and maybe at the next reunion we can organise a an award from all of us is it up for discussion guys



Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 12:40:23 +0000

To All,

The dream is to recognise Miss Kitty Marcus for sharing knowledge.

Yes she is due and more than eligible to receive a National Award for outstanding Teacher, Secretary and Lady.

As far as I know NO one from Mt St Benedict has ever even been submitted.

Not even posthumously.

Now that we have a data base what are we going to do with it?

I suggest we all write the Government and ask for a end-of-tour-public-service-medal-of-merit to hang on the neck of the "Queen of The Abbey School".

Principals, Teachers, Directors --EVERY Educational institute in Trinidad got something except ours.

Should we name and design our own?

A Heart? Is this email causing your stomachs to turn sour.

Well withdraw.




Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 23:39:18 +0000


While we are on the subject Miss Kitty,.

I was dreaming - A presentation at the guest house, invitation only, a select 50 or so depending on seating arrangements.

Light refreshments of course, a news paper photographer will capture the event, because the minister Mr. Imbert will be handing her the gift ?? what ever, on behalf of the Abbey Old Boys Club because father Cuthbert will be handing the Gift?? to him, and will also tell him, to be there on time, just thinking out here, just throwing ideas O.K.. Glen. I will stop now, me and my big mouth.

About us $2000 - 2600 working budget for everything??

(I might be invited to the ceremony? Ed)



Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 14:03:06 -0500

Yeah Glen,

You 100%correct,money talks and bullshit walks!

Some of the old boys in Trinidad made that clear on my last visit, they need to put the money where their mouths are.


In a message dated 2/17/2008 12:36:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Gentle men,

I so agree , with what that has been said, as we all know, in order to do things we require money.

All I can say is when a final decision in done etc. just tell what the bank account is, so I can forward my contribution.

This all I have to say on this matter for now.

Yours always in full support, ´

Glen McKoy...



Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 23:03:38 -0600

Well , I agree with Glen Mckoy let us know where to send the money and am all for it

Ms Kitty was like a step mother to us all.

Salvador .

I'll contribute $ 200.oo US dollars . God bless .


"Don Mitchell CBE QC" <>:

I remember Kitty Marcus when she first arrived at Mount.

It was probably about 1959.

At first, she was just the Headmaster's secretary.

She gradually got promoted to teaching responsibilities.

She told us her story in one of the early classes.

She had been a PhD student in either Chemistry or Physics in a University in Austria.

Then came the 1938 Anschlaus.

The German Nazis invaded Austria with local encouragement of the Christians.

Her Jewish parents took her mother and her on a boat going to the Americas.

The USA was not admitting refugees from the Nazis.

The boat ended up in Trinidad.

That is how she became a resident of Trinidad.

She and several other Austrian Jews.

Her parents died there.

She eventually became one of our teachers.

But, as the years passed, I learned to appreciate how much she had gone through just to survive.

She has my utmost respect.



On 23-Jun-08, at 9:42 PM, Winston Ramsahai wrote:

Greetings Nigel & John,

Further to your last enquiry on emails Chris are in direct with most of the guys, Ian Gomes will fill in the blanks for Dr Kamal Khan, Kelvin Khan and Gerald Khan.

The new companies ordinance in TT regarding NGO's / CBO's mandated all Directors to declare their assets ????, Joe & Chris will be meeting Mr Gurley to verify same soon, in the interim The Abbey ( Fr Abbot ) indicated that MSB is a registered charitable trust as such they are exempted from duties and taxes.

Donations can be sent to The Abbey a/c which I will confirm on Tue together with the lectern.

Ms Marcus condition is deteriorating , Oscar, Carlos and Alfredo was asked to let her rest when they tried to visit her a few weeks ago.

She has her high and low's.

Lets Keep her in our prayer, will deliver some flowers and photo gallery of Victor's visit on behalf of the Abbey boys.




On 22-Jun-08, at 3:58 PM, Jon Golding wrote:

Hi Nigel,

Looks like you're making good progress.

As soon as the account has been set up in Trinidad, and you folks are ready to pay some bills, I'll send you a wire transfer, once I have the account details.

I have tried to get the bench from Prest-T-Com.

Dobbie de V has since retired but the new MD says he'd help us but he has a backlog until Dec/Jan 09 including an order from St Joseph's convent.

Not sure if we can wait that long but perhaps if the other gifts go ahead the bench can be on order and follow later order.

They do make the best benches in TT.

They are all around the Savannah.

We can get a plate saying donated by the old boys of MSB.

Cost would be TT$700-800 approx + delivery which may ensure a faster delivery than begging for a freebie.

Let's say TT$1,000-$1200 each = US$400 for 2 benches.

Rather than setting up bank accounts here etc for such a small transaction it might be better if I go round Westmoorings or St Finbars one Sunday after mass and collar the Mount boys to give me the cash to buy two benches.

I have the names of my targets.

Sounds great!

Winston can do the same thing with the lectern and other smaller gifts.

Winston, can you get someone to make a nice lectern for us?

You might need to consult with Fr. Cuthbert or with Ms. Julien, Supervisor at the St. Joseph Home for Old Folks at MSB as to what they'd suggest.

The TV is the only item and if we identify a model at Courts or at the mall here we'll have a price to aim for.

The funds can be wired directly from Canada to the store we choose.

Or in one transfer from Canada and one from the US.

Ask around who wants to go and choose the TV.

I guess for about US$800 - we could get a real decent large flat screen set $400 from Canada $400 from USA.

All the best


Thanks for your help and advice, John



Winston Ramsahai

Monday, November 10, 2008 2:07:12 AM

Abbey School upgrade, Hike to Whitestones and Old Monastery , Mt Tabor - Saturday 8th Nov

Just follow this link to see the photo:


Glen Mckoy

Monday, November 10, 2008 8:09:08 AM

Thank you Winston for this email,

This is probably one of the best email I have had for the year, just to see the guys alive on the stones , in the school walking around, I am so happy to see so much love,

I did have tears in my eyes, for how far we all have come.

Thanks again , best regards

Glen McKoy.


RE: ASAA side show -

Oscar Cantore

Friday, November 7, 2008 10:39:13 AM


How are you? I do not see any pics of the Venezuelan group….




That is for now, till the next one


08UN0647REUNION2008, The hike to White Stones.

08UN0510REUNION2008, Fr. Cuthbert


07RE0143RECMARCUS, Ms Kitty Marcus and Rafael Echeverria, Reunion 2007