Sunday, 3 February 2008

Circular No 326

Newsletter for past alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 3 February 2008, No. 326


Dear Friends,

Soon we are going to have more names in the form databases, where you are asked to add and if possible make observations like: graduation date, classmate, date of arrival and when left, last known hared from. Please cooperate so that Nigel Boos can prepare and reconstruct the names of all ALUMNI.
Here is further information on ALUMNI that went to the School. Unfortunately, Azizul does not mention the code number written on the photo so you can make the corrections.

List prepared by Azizul Kenny Mohammed on his class 1972.
Sunday, December 23, 2007 6:37:32 PM

Dear Kertesz,
Yes I went to the Abbey from 1965-1972 with:

Glen and Hudson McKoy
Wayne Chang

Salvador and Pedro Coscarat
Assam and Aloy Garner
Jerry Campbell

Pascal Barath

Glenn Sheafer

Kieth Allen

Thomas Pegus

Tony Perez
Ferahim Ali

Chandra Teelucksing

Joseph Berment-McDonald

There are a lot more guys as the names come to me I will let u know.

e-mail -
cell-718 702 2263

azizul mohammed ...

Sunday, December 23, 2007 10:24:09 PM

19-Winston Ramsahi

18-Nigel Gomes

9-Keith Allen

10-Glen Evelyn

13-Farouk Bhopa

14-Azizul Mohammed

2-Franco Marconi


5-John Sissons(I think)


8 Roy Augustus (Teacher)

1 Thomas Peagus


Give me some more time and I will be able to place all

Thank U so much

Merry Xmas to u and the family
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2007 18:02:15 -0800

Dear Azizul,

Thank you for the reply

I shall place you with those graduating in 1972.

Can you mark those that were in your graduating class.

Is this your class photo??

If not what year??

Can you place names in the photo??

Wayne Chang??? I do not have on the list

Merry Xmas

God Bless

Azizul Mohammed ...

Monday, December 24, 2007 8:14:54 PM

24- hackett(the younger one)
16- Mayoune

18-Jimmy Samaroo

6-Neil Charles

I know all these guys, the names I cannot remember. I think 8 is me
Azizul Mohammed ...

Monday, December 24, 2007 8:42:01 PM

I think

16-Naipaul(I think)
3-Penny(there were 2 brothers)

October Reunion...
Don Mitchell CBE QC ...

Sunday, November 4, 2007 9:06:02 PM

Hello Ladislao,

I was only sending you the photos.

I expect Salvador, as usual, will give you the full story.

The names on my website, I believe, are all there.

I usually give the full name on the first photo.

I give the first name only on the subsequent photos.

But, as it is causing you some confusion, I am going to go onto the website and repeat the full name for each photo, where I remember the full name.

Keep well.

Don Mitchell CBE QC ...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007 5:30:11 AM
To:Peter Sammy

Hello Peter,

Ladislao is the principal contact agency for Mount Old Boys.

He has over the past several years sent out a weekly circular of correspondence and comment to every Old Boy whose email address he has.

These circulars are posted on a website for all to read.

Each year's circulars can be accessed from any of the websites.

The links are in the right hand column.

Just click on any year, and all the circulars of that year will appear.

I am sending you the first one, 2001:

Please make sure that he is copied on anything you do, especially if you want him to give it the widest circulation in one of his circulars.

All the best,

Don Mitchell CBE QC ...

Tuesday, October 30, 2007 8:34:18 PM


I've put the photos I took on the Saturday at the Abbey on my website:

It's the last album. Sorry.

Sorry also that I appear to have taken exclusively photos of my generation.

I need you to email me any photos that you don't mind me putting up on the site.

It would be nice to have a fuller cross-section of attendees.

Names of persons photographed would be helpful.

Since not many of us visit the Blog, I am hoping that Ladislao will copy some of them and use them in the Circular.

Anyone wanting a full-strength photo, just email me the number from the website and I will send it to you.

It was good to see you all again.

And, a special thanks to the classes of 1980-1985 who organised the meeting.

Don't forget to visit the Blog at from time to time to see all the Circulars that Ladislao has sent out.

The link to the photos is also conveniently in the right hand column under "Links".


PS: Apologies if there is some duplication in the addressees. I am using my mailing list and Specs' as well.
From: Art & Val Knaggs <>
Sent: Fri, 2 Nov 2007 12:37 pm
Great news Eddie,

and also to see that Louis (another Old boy) is getting out from his cave. Bravo to you. If Louis has an e-mail address, please let me know.

Also, there is already an active Old Boys, news letter and group that have reactivated the Old Mounties, and give us weekly updates on a lot of news so Berment can also get on that list, so he can contact ladislao for an update.

We are all fine and cruising along, enjoying the challenges of life in these modern days, and having fun.

Love you,

From: Hi Art & Val,

Just some news about how I ended up at your old boys re-union meeting at Mt St Benedict on Saturday 27th...

All because Louie Ache wanted to go any did not know where as it was so long since he went up to Mount.

Also I needed to go see Kitty Marcius...who was a teacher up there after you were there

She is 91 yrs..and I had a Catholic news clipping for her...

When on our way I saw that Louie had a ripped shirt I said that when we are going reach the home of Kitty I'll ask her for pins, but found out that Kitty was already gone.

So on we went...and found Kitty, then.. one head person ask me if I'll stay to look after Kitty as they were waiting for someone to come for her, to take her to bath room & be a company with her.

I stayed, was offered lunch which the head man Joseph Berment Mc Donald offered both of us his salmon salad with olives real good and soya dressing....

Also he gave us Yogurt, kitty liked it plain, I got sour was so good.....

Joseph want your email to get in touch with you as they're restarting the Old Boys.Ass..his email. so you'll can get in touch with each other.

Well Brother, I have also some news on Lesslie who has left England as they did not renew his he is in Tobago by May as the flight arrived direct.

but will come here to TT around 8th and fly to Ven'la by Convisa airline to get his visa for Israel,

Will be here until about end of year then go back to Heathrow Airport for Isreal...

Also he has to change his names.. that is part of becoming a Jew...He may go to the Knaggs party on 2/12/07 this year.....

Bye for now ...Love you'll say hi to all the family, when you'll meet for Christmas '2007

Tell Derick & anyone sending pictures please put my name on the email that the way I get them.......because of using the email @ library Computers....

Love to all


Here we are including some old photos from various alumni who usually do not write, but whom we welcome and appreciate.

Any corrections?? Use the CODE number.
74UN0001CLASS1974, Hudson´s Class, can you help me with the names.
07AG0005AGAGRP, Neil Charles and Rori Davies.
04LM0445LMEGRP, Luciano Mellone and Wbladimiro Diaz
07SF0001SFAFAM, Janette and Sarkis Farchak

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hudson's Class
This pic is so hard to remember!
4- Harinarine Maharaj
5-Keith Allen
6- Figoura
16-Glen Mckoy
24-Winston Ramshai
27 Alloy Garner
29 Hudson Mckoy
30-Fr Morris